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To work diligently and grow towards an eco-friendly path which provides varieties of products and alternatives against the harmful plastic and non-biodegradable pollutants for our day-to-day life. To create reusable and completely biodegradable products that produces ‘zero-waste’.


Not just eco-friendly products but to develop a system that produces smaller carbon footprint in the making of such products. Ultimately, planting trees and creating carbon sinks to bring down carbon emission to ‘net-zero’. To provide our services to every corner of the world while maintaining the ‘net-zero’ carbon emission.


To promote local businesses and organic markets while producing zero waste products with net-zero carbon emission. To support and empower local producers in creating a sustainable economy which creates sustainable lifestyle for everyone. To encourage people to go more ‘VocalForLocal’.



EcoMantraa aims to achieve a fleet with millions of you going completely ‘zero-waste’, where we serve the purpose of producing no waste or not using any non-biodegradable products. We aim to serve the family (you) a waste-free life in a waste-free environment.


We aim to go ‘Carbon-Free Company’ by the year 2045 where not only our products but also the services offered by us, gives benefits to you of understanding and reducing your own carbon footprint.


On addition to working on achieving above steps we look forward to bringing local communities, all to your home. With fresh gifts from our Mother Nature in your hands, EcoMantraa will be the one step solution for a beautifully curated Sustainable Lifestyle.